Make Yourself Valuable, Not Irreplaceable

Being indispensable in an organization is a good thing, right? Not so fast. If you’re too irreplaceable, you could get stuck in your current role and stymie your career development. Instead of trying to make yourself irreplaceable, focus on making yourself a valuable member of your team. In other words, rather than becoming a gatekeeper or the only go-to person for a specific process, search for new opportunities to help everyone. Be proactive about adapting your responsibilities—and adopting new ones—to meet the team’s changing needs and goals. Don’t wait to be asked. You might notice, for example, a leadership gap in certain meetings, or a process tweak that would make everyone’s lives easier. Step up to help fill the void. Also look for opportunities to contribute that take advantage of your unique strengths. Ultimately, your goal is to become an integral member of your team, rather than just a high-performing solo operator. If you supplement your role-specific expertise with this team-first growth mindset, you’ll be on your way to your next promotion.

This tip is adapted from Should You Really Be ‘Indispensable’ at Work?,” by Liz Wiseman (From HBR)