Month: July 2022

5 ways to combat inflation

It seems that every news outlet is sounding the alarm about high inflation these days. While it might sound like it’s time to panic, you don’t have to. With a

Interject with Tact in a Virtual Meeting

Getting a word in during virtual meetings can be challenging, but it’s a skill worth cultivating. Here are some strategies to help you tactfully interject. Signal your interest. To avoid

Can You Be Too Responsible as a Manager?

Do you often pay attention to the needs of others but neglect your own, or say “yes” to most things you’re asked to do — but then feel resentful? If

What to Consider Before Starting a Side Hustle

Do you want to make more money? Many people start a side hustle to supplement their income. But is the extra time and effort worth it? To answer that question,

Great Managers Conduct Great Performance Reviews

It’s tempting to treat performance reviews like a perfunctory management task. But, when you do them well — with care and intention — they can help your employees not only

What is lifestyle planning and how does it affect my finances?

When you think of financial planning, you probably imagine ways to increase your wealth, such as making a budget, reviewing what’s coming in and going out, and creating a plan

How to use your website to attract quality staff

Most companies need a website to conduct their business, but it’s also a critical piece of the puzzle in attracting amazing team members. Here are a few things you can

Run Better Virtual Meetings

Leading productive meetings is an essential skill for managers — especially when you’re managing a remote or hybrid team. But many people have gotten lazy about keeping up good meeting

How to respond effectively to complaints

Complaints are an unfortunate part of running a business, but they do happen. No matter how hard you work to please your clients, eventually, someone will have something negative to

Lead a Team That Works Smarter — Not Harder

At times, we’ve all spent too much time and effort working on the wrong things, whether it’s putting hours into status updates that never get read, or prioritizing a presentation’s