Are You a Workaholic?

Workaholism isn’t about the number of hours you work—it’s about your ability to disconnect from your job. To help determine whether you might be a workaholic, read the following statements and rate the degree to which each one describes you, using the following scale: 1 = never true; 2 = seldom true; 3 = sometimes true; 4 = often true; 5 = always true.

1. I work because there is a part inside of me that feels compelled to work.

2. It is difficult for me to stop thinking about work when I stop working.

3. I feel upset if I have to miss a day of work for any reason.

4. I tend to work beyond my job’s requirements.

Add up your total score. If you rated any of these items a 4 or a 5, you have some workaholic tendencies. But if your total score is 15 or above, you’re displaying significant signs of workaholism.

This tip is adapted from A Workaholic’s Guide to Reclaiming Your Life,” by Malissa Clark.