3 Signs That You’re Too Invested in Your Job

Being emotionally invested in your job is a double-edged sword. On one hand, your passion propels you to perform and succeed. On the other, feeling too tethered to work can drag you down, draining your energy and confidence. Here are some red flags to watch out for—and what to do about them.

  • You take criticism personally. If you’ve found yourself feeling angry, insecure, or demoralized after getting tough feedback, it’s time to take a step back. Remember, criticism of your work is not criticism of you as a person.
  • Work follows you home. Ask yourself: Am I overcompensating, working more hours in order to prove my value and feel a sense of security? If so, try to shift your mindset to view rest, relaxation, and boundaries as necessary parts of your work life—not rewards.
  • You’re a people-pleaser. Do you put others’ needs ahead of your own? If your kindness and generosity leaves you feeling depleted rather than gratified, reflect honestly on your behaviors. When do you find yourself taking on more than your fair share of the workload? When are you left feeling underappreciated? When does resentment start to bubble up? Identifying your people-pleasing triggers will help you mitigate them.
This tip is adapted from Are You Too Emotionally Invested in Your Job?,” by Melody Wilding (From HBR)