
Solve Your Team’s Meeting Overload Problem

Is your team’s meeting culture broken? If you sense that meetings have started to create unnecessary friction, it’s probably time to intervene. Start by encouraging your team to adopt a

Speak Up, Strategically

Raising ideas or concerns with your manager is a great way to boost your profile and reputation—but only if your timing is right. How can you assess whether it’s the

Root Out Imposter Syndrome on Your Team

Chances are, more than a few of your employees feel underqualified and out of place—regardless of how competent they are. As a manager, how can you spot imposter syndrome on

Managing an Under-Resourced Team

Your team is understaffed and overworked. How can you intervene and support your employees—while continuing to deliver results to your organization? Start by being honest with yourself about what you

Organize Meetings Around Outcomes—Not Agendas

While you might assume that detailed agendas will improve your meetings, they can lead to a false sense of accomplishment. Instead of spending a lot of time and effort on

Build Pre-Work into Your Meetings

It’s no secret that the term “pre-work” inspires groans, eye-rolls, and even—during that all-too-familiar moment of realization—a sense of impending doom. It doesn’t have to be this way. Instead of

Beware of Proximity Bias

As a manager, you always need to check your biases. As a manager of a hybrid team, it’s particularly important to quash “proximity” bias—the tendency to prefer employees you see

Time Blocking vs Time Boxing, other techniques, and how it all fits together

In a world with endless distractions, it’s no wonder that we find it difficult to complete tasks. Focus is hard to come by these days. This is especially true when

Make Yourself Valuable, Not Irreplaceable

Being indispensable in an organization is a good thing, right? Not so fast. If you’re too irreplaceable, you could get stuck in your current role and stymie your career development.

Improve How You Recognize Your Team

Showing recognition—when done well—has huge payoffs, boosting employee morale, productivity, performance, and retention. To get better at giving recognition, you want to focus on both the substance of the recognition