
What is cashflow and why is it important?

Cash flow refers to the movement of money in and out of a business over a specific period. It represents the net amount of cash being transferred into and out

Why do you need a bookkeeper?

A bookkeeper is essential for maintaining accurate financial records, generating accurate and timely financial reports, ensuring compliance with tax regulations, supporting budgeting and planning, facilitating financial analysis, filing periodic HST/GST

Role and Importance of Controllers in Organizations

What does a Controller do?   A Controller is responsible for maintaining the financial health and integrity of an organization by overseeing financial reporting, budgeting, internal controls, compliance, and financial analysis.

What Really Engages Employees

Most leaders understand that employee engagement is an important driver of productivity. But what does it really mean—and how can you actually engage the people on your team? It’s all

Harness the Power of Curiosity at Work

When you can’t focus, your mind tells you that a “quick” look, click, or check is what you should do right now. If you find yourself constantly derailed by your

Processing an Organizational Decision You Disagree With

You won’t agree with every organizational decision senior leadership makes. But you can make peace with a strategic direction you disagree with. Start by asking yourself a few questions.  

Amid Uncertainty, Communicate with Intention

Times of uncertainty or tension are ripe for miscommunication. To avoid making things worse, you need to be especially thoughtful about how you communicate with your team. Here are some

How to Stop Ruminating

It’s totally normal to ruminate on stressful situations, whether it’s a nagging problem at work or a personal conflict that’s making you anxious. The good news? Improving your ability to

Gain More Confidence in Your Managerial Judgment

Transitioning from being an individual contributor to a people manager is hard. You’re no longer only responsible for your own work and career; your decisions now have a direct impact

Stay Grounded Amid Organizational Chaos

Big changes at work (layoffs, reorgs, or the departure of an important colleague, for example) can stir up big feelings. How can you stay grounded amid organizational chaos? Give yourself