Human Resources

Is That New Job Right for You?

Interviewing for a job is a two-way street: Just as prospective employers need to evaluate you, you need to evaluate them. To investigate what a role would really entail—and how

How to use your website to attract quality staff

Most companies need a website to conduct their business, but it’s also a critical piece of the puzzle in attracting amazing team members. Here are a few things you can

Help Your Younger Employees Feel Connected and Supported

New research shows that half of young people worldwide have experienced mental health decline and a deterioration of their “social self“ in the wake of the pandemic. As a leader, how

Don’t Let Microaggressions Slide

Microaggressions — insensitive statements, questions, or assumptions aimed at traditionally marginalized identity groups — are not only…

Responding to an Unreasonable Request

Sometimes you get asked to do something at work that just doesn’t seem reasonable. Maybe it would require extraordinary effort on your…

To Keep Your Best Employees, Ask Them These Questions

If you’re serious about retaining the people on your team (as you should be), consider conducting “stay” interviews. These are…